
300 Pakistanis presumed dead in shipwreck off Greek

20 June 2023; MEMO: Pakistan observed a day of mourning for more than 300 Pakistanis presumed dead after an overcrowded fishing vessel carrying refugees sank off the coast of Greece.

At least 78 bodies have been recovered and hundreds more are feared drowned after the boat capsized in what was the worst and deadliest disaster of the year.

Pakistan negotiating to hand over Karachi port terminals to UAE for emergency funds

21 June 2023; MEMO: Pakistan is undergoing negotiations with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to hand over operational management of the port terminals of the city of Karachi, as Islamabad continues to seek emergency funds to pay off its debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Pakistan Hosts One Of World’s Largest Refugee Populations: President

ISLAMABAD, Jun 20 (NNN-APP) – Pakistani President, Arif Alvi, said that, his country continued to host one of the largest refugee populations in the world, showing Pakistan’s unwavering resolve and commitment to the welfare and voluntary repatriation of refugees.

In his message on the occasion of World Refugee Day, being observed today, Alvi said that, “on the day, we are reminded of the immense contributions of the government and people of Pakistan, in hosting millions of Afghan refugees over the past four decades.”

Pakistan’s prime minister declares day of mourning for citizens who died in migrant boat sinking

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Sunday declared a national day of mourning for citizens who died when the fishing trawler packed with migrants they were in sank off the Greek coast.

As many as 750 men, women and children from Syria, Egypt, the Palestinian territories and Pakistan were on board the vessel, trying to reach relatives in Europe. The Greek coast guard has defended its response to the tragedy that left more than 500 migrants presumed drowned. The vessel sank on Wednesday.

Pakistan Senate passes bill to limit disqualification period; Opposition calls it attempt to ensure Nawaz Sharif's participation in polls

Islamabad, Jun 18 (PTI) Pakistan's Senate has passed a bill to ensure no parliamentarian is disqualified for a lifetime, a move termed by the Opposition as an attempt to clear the way for former premier Nawaz Sharif’s return to the country and his participation in the upcoming elections.

Nawaz Sharif was disqualified in 2017 by a five-member bench of the Supreme Court. In 2018, he became ineligible to hold public office for life after a Supreme Court verdict.

Life Returns To Normal As Cyclone Biparjoy “Largely Spares” Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Jun 17 (NNN-APP) – Authorities in Pakistan’s south Sindh province, said yesterday that, normal life activities can be resumed in the country from today, as the threat of Cyclone Biparjoy in the Arabian Sea, off the coasts of Sindh has been averted, after it weakened into a cyclonic storm.

In a statement, Muhammad Iqbal Memon, the commissioner of Sindh’s capital city, Karachi, said that, all halted exams and educational activities can be resumed, as the threat of cyclonic danger has reduced.

Pakistan doesn’t have government approval yet to go to Cricket World Cup in India

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistan doesn’t have approval from its government yet to compete in the Cricket World Cup in India in October.

Cricket board chairman Najam Sethi said on Friday he has written to the International Cricket Council to say the PCB cannot unilaterally approve the World Cup draft schedule which has the marquee match between Pakistan and India at Ahmedabad on Oct. 15.

“We have written to the ICC that we can’t give approval or disapproval to this (schedule),” Sethi said in Lahore.

IMF slams new Pakistan budget proposal, says government failing to implement a more fair tax system

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The International Monetary Fund slammed Pakistan’s government on Thursday over its proposal for the new annual budget, saying it failed to implement a more fair tax system in the draft.

The harsh criticism by Esther Perez Ruiz, IMF’s representative for Pakistan, raised new concerns about the success of monthslong talks between the cash-strapped Islamic nation and the lender over a stalled bailout tranche.

However, Perez Ruiz also said the IMF was offering to “work with the government in refining its strategy” for the budget.

Cash-strapped Pakistan welcomes arrival of first shipment of discounted crude from Russia

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The Pakistani government on Monday welcomed the arrival of the first shipment of discounted crude from Russia under a key deal between Islamabad and Moscow.

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif hailed it as a “fulfillment of promises” to the nation while Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb tweeted that it marked a “true service” for the people.

First shipment of discounted Russian crude oil arrives in Karachi

Islamabad, Jun 11 (PTI) The first shipment of discounted Russian crude oil has arrived at the port city of Karachi, Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced on Sunday, a development that is expected to provide relief to the people hit by skyrocketing inflation.

Pakistan, which is currently grappling with high external debt and a weak local currency, is hoping that snapping crude at discounted rates from Russia will stabilise oil prices in the country.

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