
Türkiye targets over 6-bln-USD defense exports in 2023: president

ISTANBUL, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that Türkiye's defense export target is to exceed 6 billion U.S. dollars in 2023.

Speaking at a technology festival in the western province of Izmir, Erdogan said his country has been implementing 850 different defense projects.

"With our defense industry initiatives, our exports are increasing exponentially," Erdogan said, addressing the visitors at TEKNOFEST, Türkiye's biggest aviation, space, and technology fair.

Turkey: Erdogan urges creation of Zangezur corridor to Azerbaijan ‘as soon as possible’

28 September 2023; MEMO: Turkiye’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged the establishment of the strategic Zangezur corridor in order to accelerate the territorial connection between Turkiye and Azerbaijan, as well as the Nakhchivan exclave of the latter.

Turkish police detain 12 suspects in raids against IS, HTS

ISTANBUL, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- Turkish police detained at least 12 suspected members of the Islamic Stated (IS) and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in Istanbul, local media reported on Wednesday.

The state-run Anadolu news agency said the suspects have allegedly carried out activities in Istanbul on behalf of the IS and HTS.

Following technical and physical surveillance, Turkish anti-terror teams detected the suspects' identities and launched simultaneous raids on 14 addresses across the city Wednesday, it added.

Turkey will back Sweden's NATO bid if U.S. keeps promise on F-16 sale - Erdogan

ANKARA, Sept 26 (Reuters) - Turkey's parliament will keep its promise to ratify Sweden's NATO bid if U.S. President Joe Biden's administration paves the way for F-16 jet sales to Ankara, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday, according to Turkish media.

Speaking to reporters on his flight back from Azerbaijan's exclave of Nakhchivan, Erdogan said that Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed Sweden's NATO membership bid last week in New York.

Turkiye condemns ‘despicable attacks’ against Quran in Netherlands

24 September 2023; MEMO: Turkiye on Saturday strongly condemned “despicable attacks” against the Muslim holy book, the Quran, outside the embassies of some member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, including the Turkish Embassy, in the Netherlands.

In a statement, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said that Ankara condemns the spread of these “provocative attacks,” which are allowed to be carried out in European countries under the guise of freedom of expression.

Türkiye's homegrown satellites getting ready to take up duty

22 September 2023; MEMO: Türkiye's tech giant, Turkish Aerospace Inc (TAI), will carry out new missions in the country and abroad with various satellites besides its responsibilities in the national communications satellite Turksat 6A.

TAI Space Systems Deputy General Manager Selman Nas told Anadolu that the company developed an operational satellite for another customer by using the competencies gained in making communications satellite Turksat 6A.

Turkiye pushes interest rates up to highest level since 2003

23 September 2023; MEMO: The Turkish Central Bank has, once again, hiked interest rates in the country, pushing its policy rate up five points to 30 per cent, in a continued effort to curb soaring inflation, AP reports.

According to the report, the Bank said, on Thursday, that the increase was necessary in the face of services inflation and surging oil prices. It means that the country’s interest rate is sitting at a level not seen since 2003.

Turkiye will not withdraw military from Syria until security is established; Turkiye defence minister

23 September 2023; MEMO: Turkish Defence Minister Yasar Guler stressed the need for the Bashar Al-Assad regime to meet several requirements before Turkish forces withdraw from northern Syria.

The requirements include the establishment of a new constitution and the holding of democratic elections, in addition to the formation of a government that represents all Syrian sects.

Ankara welcomes Yemen peace talks in Saudi

21 September 2023; MEMO: Turkiye has said it welcomes talks in Saudi Arabia on ending the war in Yemen, calling for constructive support from all parties for a lasting solution, Hurriyet Daily News reports.

According to the report, Turkiye will continue to resolutely support preservation of the national unity and territorial integrity of brotherly Yemen.

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