Human Rights

Turkish Prez Erdogan tells UN chief that Israel must face international courts over Gaza crimes

29 November 2023; MEMO: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres today that Israel must be held accountable in international courts for the war crimes it has committed in Gaza, Reuters has reported.

Illegal Israel settlers have killed more Palestinians in West Bank since 7 October than in 2022

28 November 2023; MEMO: The number of Palestinians killed by the Israeli army in the Occupied West Bank since 7 October has exceeded the number of Palestinians killed in the last year, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, Anadolu Agency reports.

It said,

"the army and settlers have since killed 242 Palestinians in the West Bank, including Occupied East Jerusalem"

Israel left premature Palestinian babies to 'die alone' after evacuating Gaza hospital

29 November 2023; MEMO: A video revealed a new crime committed by the Israeli occupation army, after it forced medical staff of Al-Nasr Children’s Hospital in Gaza without the five premature Palestinian babies who were being cared for.

The five infants were found “dead and in a state of decomposition” in Al-Nasr Hospital after being alone for three weeks, in what may amount to a horrific execution and a crime against humanity.

European MPs describe Israel actions in Gaza as 'genocide', 'ethnic cleansing'

23 November 2023; MEMO: Members of the European Parliament have described Israel’s actions in Gaza as a “violation of international law,” “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing.”

During a session held at the European Parliament’s General Assembly yesterday, parliamentarians accused the European Union of applying double standards by remaining silent on Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip.

USA: Ex-State Dept. official arrested for Islamophobic attack on vendor

23 November 2023; MEMO: New York police yesterday arrested a former US State Department official after he was captured on video calling an Egyptian halal street vendor a terrorist and saying the death of 4,000 Palestinian children “wasn’t enough”, Reuters reports.

Stuart Seldowitz, 64, was arrested on charges of aggravated harassment, hate crime stalking, stalking causing fear, and stalking at a place of employment, police said in a statement.

Europe's divisions over Israel support deepen as Gaza deaths mount

23 November 2023; MEMO: In Europe, political divisions over the continent’s support for Israel are expanding, particularly due to the mounting death toll of Israeli attacks that have now killed more than 14,500 Palestinians, including over 10,000 women and children, Anadolu Agency reports.

Jewish groups criticise Pope on 'terrorism' remark about Israeli genocide in Gaza

23 November 2023; MEMO: Jewish groups have criticised Pope Francis and demanded clarifications over his comments that they saw as accusing both Hamas and Israel of “terrorism”, Reuters reports.

Francis made the comments on Wednesday after meeting separately with Jewish relatives of hostages held by Hamas and with Palestinians with family in Gaza.

'Death to Child Murderers': Iranians hold nationwide rallies against ‘genocide’ of children in Gaza

18 November 2023; MEMO: Tens of thousands of people took to the streets across Iran, including the capital Tehran, on Saturday to protest Israeli attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip and call for an immediate cease-fire, Anadolu Agency reports.

The nationwide rallies were held “in support of the oppressed children of Gaza” under the slogan, “Palestine is not alone,” as people marched with banners and posters condemning the Gaza war.

880 Palestinian children detained by Israel this year: NGO

20 November 2023; MEMO: The Israeli army has detained 880 Palestinian children since the start of this year, a local non-governmental organisation said Monday, Anadolu Agency reports.

"More than 200 children are still in custody, including 26 held under Israel’s policy of administrative detention without charge or trial" the Palestinian Prisoners Society said in a statement marking World Children’s Day.

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