
Monitors say 9 killed in Syria shelling of tent settlements

IDLIB, Syria (AP) — Syrian government forces shelled tent settlements housing families displaced by the country’s conflict in the rebel-held northwest early Sunday, killing at least nine people and wounding dozens, opposition war monitors and first responders said.

The shelling was the latest violation of a truce reached between Russia and Turkey in March 2020 that ended a Russian-backed government offensive on Idlib province. Idlib is the last major rebel-held stronghold in Syria.

US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces continue to child soldiers: Official

03 Nov 2022; MEMO: The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are continuing to recruit child soldiers to their ranks in Aleppo, northern Syria, a Kurdish official has said.

Anadolu reported Redur Al-Ahmad, a spokesman for the League of Independent Kurds, as saying that on 10 October "the SDF terrorists kidnapped the 15-year-old child S.H.A. in the Sheikh Maqsoud neighbourhood of Aleppo and recruited him into their ranks."

UN: Cholera spreads in all 14 governorates in Syria

26 October 2022; MEMO: The UN warned, Tuesday, that a cholera outbreak was rapidly spreading throughout Syria and asked for $34.4 million for a three-month response plan, Anadolu News Agency reports.

The money is needed to assist more than 160,000 people with health services and 5 million with water, sanitation and assistance hygiene.

Israel missile attack targets areas around Damascus

24 October 2022; MEMO: Israeli missiles hit targets near the Syrian capital, Damascus, on Monday in a rare daytime attack, a Syrian military source said, Reuters reports.

Israel has conducted strikes for years against what it has described as Iranian and Iran-backed targets in Syria, where Tehran has deployed forces to back Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, fighting armed opponents since 2011.

Israeli Missile Strike Targeted Sites Around Syrian Capital

DAMASCUS, Oct 22 (NNN-SANA) – Israel launched, last night, a missile attack against sites around Syria’s capital, Damascus, a statement from the Syrian military said.

The Syrian air defences were triggered by the attack and intercepted many of the missiles, said the statement, adding, the attack only caused property damage.

Meanwhile, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), said, the Israeli attack hit military sites in the vicinity of the Damascus International Airport, and in the south-western countryside of the capital.

U.S. Forces Steal 92 Tankers Of Oil, Wheat From Syria To Iraq

DAMASCUS, Oct 18 (NNN-SANA) – The U.S. forces smuggled 92 tankers and trucks of stolen Syrian oil and wheat, from north-eastern Syria to U.S. bases in neighbouring Iraq, yesterday.

The oil tankers and wheat trucks were sent to Iraq through illegal border crossings, set up by the U.S.-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

After entering Syria in 2014, the U.S. forces, under the pretext of fighting terrorist groups, have established military bases in oil-rich areas, in north-eastern and eastern Syria, and started the systematic stealing of Syrian oil.

UN envoy appeals for political progress toward resolving Syrian crisis

DAMASCUS, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- The visiting UN special envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, on Monday called for progress on the political front to resolve the Syrian crisis.

Speaking to reporters following his meeting with Syria's Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad, Pedersen recounted the difficulties facing the Syrian people, saying that despite a ceasefire being established in 2020, many civilians are still being killed, and 15 million Syrians still need humanitarian assistance.

Syria: Bomb attack on military bus kills 18 gov soldiers

13 October 2022; MEMO: A military bus was bombed near the Syrian capital, Damascus, today, killing at least 18 Syrian soldiers and wounding 27 others in what is the latest attack on regime forces' transport vehicles.

According to the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), which cited a military source, the bus in the countryside surrounding Damascus "was targeted this morning by a terrorist detonation with an explosive device that was planted in advance".

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