
New Mideast corridor would include trains to India, Delhi says

NEW DELHI, Sept 11 (Reuters) - A new ports and railway corridor for the Middle East and South Asia will include train links to India, an Indian foreign ministry official said on Monday, offering new details about the plan unveiled over the weekend at the G20 summit in Delhi.

Asked about the proposals, Ausaf Sayeed, a secretary in the Foreign Ministry, spelled out that the corridor would include trains to India and not just links by port.

Armenia’s intentions to hold joint military exercise with US regrettable — Lavrov

NEW DELHI, September 10. /TASS/: Russia regrets Armenian intentions to hold joint drills with the United States, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news conference following the G20 summit.

"This move by the Armenian leaders is regrettable," Russia’s top diplomat said, commenting on Yerevan’s decision to hold a joint military exercise with the United States.

Russia can see little good coming from NATO’s attempts to infiltrate into South Caucasus, Lavrov emphasized.

India: Delhi G20 summit confirms isolation of Russia, Macron says

NEW DELHI, Sept 10 (Reuters) - The G20 summit in New Delhi ended on Sunday as India handed over the bloc presidency to Brazil, while both the U.S. and Russia praised a consensus that did not condemn Moscow for the war in Ukraine but called on members to shun the use of force.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked the group's leaders to hold a virtual meeting in November to review progress on policy suggestions and goals announced at the weekend.

India forges compromise among divided world powers at the G20 summit in a diplomatic win for Modi

NEW DELHI (AP) — India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi touted his country as well-placed to bridge gaps in the Group of 20 top economies and solve global problems, but many were skeptical ahead of the weekend’s summit given grave divisions within the bloc over the Russia’s war in Ukraine.

He was able to dispel those doubts, announcing a unanimous final agreement a day before the G20 summit ended Sunday that included language on the European war which both Russia and China signed off on.

Modi uses 'Bharat' for G20 nameplate, not India, amid name-change row

NEW DELHI, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Narendra Modi's placard at the opening of the G20 summit on Saturday referred to India as "Bharat", raising speculation of a change of name for the South Asian nation.

India is also called Bharat, Bharata, Hindustan - its pre-colonial names - in Indian languages and these are used interchangeably by the public and officially.

India: G20 summit avoids condemning Russia for Ukraine war, calls for peace

NEW DELHI, Sept 9 (Reuters) - The Group of 20 adopted a consensus declaration at a summit on Saturday that avoided condemning Russia for the war in Ukraine but called on all states not to use force to grab territory.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the Leaders' Declaration had been adopted on the first day of the weekend G20 summit in New Delhi.

Group of 20 countries agree to increase clean energy but reach no deal on phasing out fossil fuels

NEW DELHI (AP) — Group of 20 leaders agreed Saturday to triple renewable energy and try to increase the funds for climate change-related disasters but maintained the status quo with regards to phasing out carbon spewing coal.

At a news conference shortly after the G20 leaders — whose countries also emit 80% of all planet-warming gases — announced the agreement, Amitabh Kant, a senior Indian government official leading some of the G20 negotiations, called it “probably the most vibrant, dynamic and ambitious document on climate action.”

Biden, Modi and G20 allies unveil rail and shipping project linking India to Middle East and Europe

NEW DELHI (AP) — President Joe Biden and his allies on Saturday announced plans to build a rail and shipping corridor linking India with the Middle East and Europe, an ambitious project aimed at fostering economic growth and political cooperation.

“This is a big deal,” said Biden. “This is a really big deal.”

India: Biden gives Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed a hearty handshake a year after an awkward fist bump moment

NEW DELHI (AP) — The Saudi crown prince once vilified by President Joe Biden has been elevated from a fist bump to a hearty handshake.

Biden warmly greeted Saudi Arabia’s de facto leader, Mohammed bin Salman, after they appeared together along with several other leaders at the Group of 20 summit Saturday in New Delhi. The leaders had gathered to announce an ambitious plan to build a rail and shipping corridor linking India with the Middle East and Europe.

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