United Kingdom

UK court backs Meghan in dispute over privacy with publisher

LONDON (AP) — A British court on Thursday dismissed an appeal by a newspaper publisher seeking to overturn an earlier ruling that it breached the privacy of the Duchess of Sussex by publishing portions of a letter she wrote to her estranged father.

The Court of Appeal in London upheld a High Court ruling in February that publication of the letter that the former Meghan Markle wrote to her father Thomas Markle after she married Prince Harry in 2018 was “manifestly excessive and hence unlawful.

Cambridge students calls for university to divest from apartheid Israel

02 Dec 2021; MEMO: Members of Cambridge Palestine Solidarity Society (PalSoc) joined with students across the country on Monday to call on all UK universities to "end their complicity in Israeli apartheid".

Students demonstrated to show their solidarity with the Palestinian people and demand the university review its ties "with all corporations implicated in illegal Israeli policies" and "immediately severe formal links and partnerships with BAE Systems, Caterpillar and all other companies or institutions deemed complicit."

UK to offer booster vaccines to all adults by end of January

LONDON, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Tuesday that everyone over the age of 18 will be offered a booster vaccine by the end of January and another lockdown "extremely unlikely".

Speaking at a Downing Street news briefing on Tuesday, the prime minister said the rollout of booster programme will go in age order, and that there will be more than 1,500 community pharmacy sites in England offering the jabs.

Americans' selfish individualism causes low vaccination rate: Guardian

LONDON, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- While there is marked difference between U.S. red states and blue states in COVID-19 vaccination rate, the United States as a whole trails every other advanced country in vaccine uptake as its people selfishly put themselves first, The Guardian said in an opinion article Sunday.

Israel's Lapid urges world to keep up pressure on Iran

LONDON, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Israel urged world leaders to keep up pressure on Iran and not lift sanctions as part of nuclear negotiations that were set to resume in Vienna on Monday, saying that tighter supervision of Tehran was needed.

Negotiators were to convene in a last-ditch effort to salvage a 2015 nuclear deal abandoned three years later by the United States under then-President Donald Trump, who then reimposed sweeping U.S. sanctions on Iran. That led to breaches of the deal by Tehran, and dismayed the other powers involved.

UK: Prime Minister Johnson's flagship policy meets reality in one English city

SUNDERLAND, England, Nov 29 (Reuters) - When Britain left the European Union on Jan. 31 last year, Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his top ministers travelled to Sunderland for a special cabinet meeting and hailed "a new chapter in the United Kingdom's story."

The post-industrial city, in northeast England, holds a special significance for Johnson and his fellow Brexit campaigners. It became known as "Brexit city" when it was the first region to fall to the "Leave" side in a 2016 referendum, with support of nearly two thirds of Sunderland voters.

Israel FM heads to UK, France to mobilise against Iran deal

29 Nov 2021; MEMO: Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid arrived in the UK capital London yesterday on a two-day trip that will also see him visit France in a bid to mobilise against the possible signing of a new Iranian nuclear deal, a statement said yesterday.

According to Haaretz, Lapid will meet several high-ranking British officials including Prime Minister Boris Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron.

UK: COVID variant spreads to more countries as world on alert

LONDON (AP) — The new potentially more contagious omicron variant of the coronavirus popped up in more European countries on Saturday, just days after being identified in South Africa, leaving governments around the world scrambling to stop the spread.

The U.K. on Saturday tightened its rules on mask-wearing and on testing of international arrivals after finding two cases. New cases were confirmed Saturday in Germany and Italy, with Belgium, Israel and Hong Kong also reporting that the variant has been found in travelers.

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