United Kingdom

British PM Johnson faces revolt in parliament over COVID measures

LONDON, Dec 14 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces a large rebellion among his Conservative lawmakers on Tuesday in a parliamentary vote over new restrictions to try to curb the spread of the new Omicron coronavirus variant.

The measures, including ordering people to work from home, to wear masks in public places and use COVID-19 passes to enter some venues, are expected to be approved by parliament but with Johnson relying on the opposition Labour Party for votes.

'Seriously flawed' definition of anti-Semitism must be dropped, says Jewish coalition

14 Dec 2021; MEMO: A new coalition of Jewish academics has rejected the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism, which members say stifles academic freedom. According to the Jewish Faculty Network (JFN), the definition has been used to "intimidate and silence the work of unions, student groups, academic departments and faculty associations that are committed to freedom, equality and justice for Palestinians."

UK: G7 warns Russia of 'massive consequences' if Ukraine is attacked

LIVERPOOL, England, Dec 12 (Reuters) - Russia faces massive consequences and severe costs if President Vladimir Putin attacks Ukraine, the Group of Seven warned in a statement on Sunday.

U.S. intelligence assesses that Russia could be planning a multi-front offensive on Ukraine as early as next year, involving up to 175,000 troops.

The Kremlin denies it plans to invade and says the West is gripped by Russophobia. Moscow says the expansion of NATO threatens Russia and has contravened assurances given to it as the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

Britons rush to get shots in booster blitz against omicron

LONDON (AP) — Long lines formed Monday at vaccination centers across England as people heeded the government’s call for all adults to get booster shots to protect themselves against the omicron variant, as the U.K. recorded its first death of a patient infected with omicron.

In a televised announcement late Sunday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said everyone 18 and up would be offered a third vaccine dose by Dec. 31 — less than three weeks away, and a month earlier than the previous target.

Boris Johnson: UK faces ‘tidal wave’ of omicron cases

LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned Sunday that Britain faces a “tidal wave” of infections from the omicron coronavirus variant, and announced a huge increase in booster vaccinations to strengthen defenses against it.

In a televised statement, Johnson said everyone age 18 and older will be offered a third shot of vaccine by the end of this month in response to the omicron “emergency.” The previous target was the end of January.

Britain tells Iran: still time for a 'last chance' nuclear deal

12 Dec 2021; MEMO: Britain told Iran on Sunday that there was still time for Tehran to save the nuclear deal but that this was the last chance for Iranian negotiators to come to the table with serious proposals, Reuters reported.

"This is the last chance for Iran to come to the negotiating table with a serious resolution to this issue, which has to be agreeing the terms of the JCPOA," British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said.

UK: Blinken held 'productive' talks with Europeans on Iran nuclear deal

LIVERPOOL, England, Dec 11 (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a "productive" meeting with counterparts from Britain, Germany and France on Friday, discussing the way forward for talks on the Iran nuclear deal, a State Department spokesperson said on Saturday.

World powers and Iran resumed talks on Thursday on reviving the nuclear pact. A European source said they were working from texts discussed five months ago, while Iranian officials said they were sticking to a tough stance from last week.

UK scientists urge more restrictions to fight omicron surge

LONDON (AP) — The British government may need to introduce tougher restrictions to slow the growth of the omicron variant and prevent a new surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths, British scientists said Saturday.

U.K. health officials say omicron is spreading much more quickly than the delta strain and is likely to replace it and become the dominant variant in Britain within days. The U.K. recorded 58,194 coronavirus cases on Friday, the highest number since January, though what portion were the omicron variant is unclear.

UK seeks unity at G7 meeting over Russia’s ‘malign behavior’

LIVERPOOL, England (AP) — Top diplomats from the Group of Seven industrialized nations gathered beside the River Mersey in Liverpool, with host country Britain seeking “a show of unity against global aggressors” amid a crisis over Russia’s intentions towards Ukraine.

The U.K. is seeking elusive consensus from the wealthy nations’ club in response to what it calls “malign behavior” by Russia, and over tensions with China and Iran.

Britain's high court grants Julian Assange's extradition to U.S.

LONDON, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) -- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can be extradited to the United States to face espionage charges, the Royal Courts of Justice ruled here Friday as the body overturned a lower court ruling earlier this year.

Assange, 50, is wanted in the United States on allegations of disclosing national defense information following WikiLeaks's publication of hundreds of thousands of leaked military documents relating to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars a decade ago.

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