Israel hits offices of Turkish state news agency in Gaza

 AA office in Gaza bombed

5 May 2019; DW: Israeli forces have hit Turkey's state-run news agency in the Palestinian enclave Gaza. Turkish President Erdogan has fiercely denounced the attack, which is likely to increase tensions between Israel and Turkey.

An Israeli airstrike hit the office of Turkey's state-run news agency in Gaza, Turkey's foreign minister said Saturday, calling it a "new example of Israel's unrestrained aggression."

Israeli warplanes carried out dozens retaliatory airstrikes across the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip in response to barrage of rockets fired from Palestinian militants as hostilities flared into a second day.

Turkey's state-media reported that the building where Anadolu Agency is located in Gaza was hit with at least five Israeli rockets after warning shots were fired. No deaths or injuries were reported.

Turkey's condemnation

Turkish officials condemned the attack, which is likely to add fuel to already tense relations with Israel. 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed Israel for the bombing.

"We strongly condemn Israel's attack against Anadolu Agency's office in Gaza," Erdogan wrote on Twitter.

Last month, Erdogan called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "tyrant" after Netanyahu referred to him as a "dictator" and a "joke."

Turkey's presidential aide Ibrahim Kalin accused Israel of striking Anadolu Agency to "cover up its new crimes."

There was no immediate comment from Israel.

"Targeting of Anadolu Agency Gaza office is new example of Israel's unrestrained aggression," Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu wrote on Twitter. "Israeli violence against innocent people without distinction is a crime against humanity. Those who encourage Israel are also guilty."

"We will keep defending the Palestinian cause, even if alone," he added.

In a separate statement, Turkey's Foreign Ministry called on the international community "to act swiftly in order to ease tensions that have increased due to Israel's disproportionate actions in the region."

Gaza violence

An early morning rocket attack from Gaza on Sunday killed an Israeli man in the coastal city of Ashkelon, Israeli medical officials said on Sunday.

On Saturday, three Palestinians, including a pregnant mother and her one-year-old baby were killed in an Israeli attack, while three Israelis were injured by rocket fire. Israel disputed the claim, saying it was targeting only military-related sites.

Gaza militants have fired over 400 rockets at Israel since Friday, breaking a month-long truce.

Hamas, which controls Gaza, and its ally Islamic Jihad, have vowed to continue their rocket attacks on Israel.