NZ mosque terrorist lodges complain about prison conditions

 Brenton Tarrant

Australian whitist terrorist, who has killed 50 worshippers in two Christchurch mosques, has lodged a formal complaint over prison conditions.

According to New Zealand media reports, 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant has lodged a complaint about his rights in prison, and being denied access to visitors and phone calls.

A Corrections spokesperson neither confirmed nor denied the claim but told dpa on Sunday that he was "managed in accordance with the provisions set out in the Corrections Act 2004 and our international obligations for the treatment of prisoners".

"At this time he has no access to television, radio or newspapers and no approved visitors," the spokesperson added. "For operational security reasons no further information will be provided.",  reported Yahoo news.

Tarrant has been charged with one count of murder but further charges are expected to be added at his next appearance. Police have not yet confirmed if he would face any terrorism-related charges. He is due to reappear at the High Court in Christchurch on Friday, and has rejected a duty lawyer saying he would represent himself in court.

There are concerns that he will use his trial as a platform to broadcast his white supremacist beliefs, in a manner similar to Anders Breivik, the Norwegian right-wing terrorist who murdered 77 people in 2011, and complained about his treatment in prison, which was rejected by the European Court of Human Rights