New Zealand reopens mosques targeted in terror attack

 Christchurch mosque

23 Mar 2019; DW: Muslim worshippers returned to two mosques in Christchurch on Saturday for the first time since a terrorist attack there that left 50 people dead.

Hundreds of people, including a Jordanian prince, survivors and relatives of the victims, visited the Al Noor mosque to lay flowers or pray as armed police stood guard.

Shagat Khan, the president of the Muslim Association of Canterbury, said they decided to reopen the building after the police cordon was removed, letting people enter in small groups "so the mosque will be alive again."

"Those who lost their families are of course quite emotional," he said. "And those who were present here during the incident, of course the memories come back. The flashbacks."

Last Friday, a gunman killed more than 40 people at the mosque before opening fire at the nearby Linwood mosque, where the he killed a further seven people.

Jordanian prince pays respects

Among the first to enter the Al Noor mosque on Saturday was Vohra Mohammad Huzef, who said two of his roommates were killed. 

"Everyone wants to get back in again to give praise and to catch up. This is the central point of our community."

Crews have spent the past week removing signs of the carnage — repairing windows, filling bullet holes with plaster and coating the walls in fresh paint.

Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, who traveled to New Zealand to pay his respects, called it "a moment of deep anguish for all of us, all of humanity."

Show of solidarity

Earlier on Saturday, around 3,000 people carrying signs such as "Muslims welcome, racists not," joined a "march for love" through Christchurch.

It's one of many displays of solidarity from New Zealanders in the wake of the attacks.

The nation came to a standstill on Friday to mark one week since the massacre. A Muslim call to prayer was broadcast live on national television and followed by two minutes of silence for the dead. Women around the country also donned headscarves to show their support for the Muslim community.

The terror attacks shocked the country of 4.8 million and prompted Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to move swiftly to toughen the country's gun laws. Australian citizen Brenton Tarrant has been charged over the shootings and is due to face court in April.