Turkish parliament elects Mustafa Sentop as new speaker

 Mustafa Sentop

ANKARA, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- Turkish parliament on Sunday elected ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) lawmaker Mustafa Sentop as its new speaker, replacing Binali Yildirim who is AKP's Istanbul mayor candidate for upcoming local elections.

According to official news from the parliament, Sentop, a lawmaker from northwestern Tekirdag province, received 336 votes in the third round of voting by the Turkish National Assembly of 600 seats.

In the third round of voting, a minimum of 301 votes were needed to win the election. The opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) supported Sentop in the election.

Speaking to lawmakers after the election, Sentop thanked the lawmakers for participating in the process. "I will conduct my duty with justice and impartiality," he said.

Sentop, 51, has a doctorate in law and had been serving as deputy speaker of the parliament since June 24, 2018 general elections.

Municipal elections are to be held on March 31 across Turkey.