Pakistan condemns tear gas shelling on peaceful Muharram procession in IIOJK

Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri

ISLAMABAD, Aug 18 (APP): Pakistan on Wednesday strongly condemned the use of tear gas shells and firing of warning shots on Muslims taking part in peaceful Muharram procession in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Dozens of Kashmiris have reportedly been detained and journalists have also been subjected to baton charge, the Foreign Office spokesperson said in a statement.

He said the imposition of restrictions on Muharram processions represented complete disrespect and deep-rooted prejudice by the Indian government for the sentiments of the Muslims in IIOJK.

It is also a flagrant violation of Kashmiris’ fundamental right of freedom of religion, he remarked.

The spokesperson urged India to realise that through oppression, intimidation and systematic violation of fundamental rights, it could not break the will of Kashmiris in their just struggle for right to self-determination.

“Pakistan calls upon international community, the United Nations, and other human rights and humanitarian organisations to take notice of brutal suppression of the religious rights and freedoms of the Kashmiri people in violation of international law and conventions,” he added.