Ukraine: Zelensky’s claims on Donbass prove neo-Nazism in Kiev’s policy — LPR Foreign Minister


LUGANSK, August 6. /TASS/: LPR Foreign Minister Vladislav Deinego believes that remarks made by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who urged Donbass residents who consider themselves ethnic Russians to relocate to Russia, are a display of the neo-Nazi nature of Kiev’s policy. The Foreign Minister’s statement was published in the LPR Foreign Ministry’s Telegram channel Friday.

"Zelensky crossed all boundaries in his cynicism by stating that Donbass residents, Russian by spirit, are making a ‘grave mistake’ by staying on the land of their ancestors," Deinego said.

According to the Foreign Minister, Zelensky’s logic suggests that supporters of Euro-integration and initiators of the 2014 Euromaidan must leave Ukraine and relocate to Europe.

"That would be fair. And there would be no war in Donbass! If those who dictate such thoughts to Zelensky, went to Europe back then, along with all adherents of Euro-integration," Deinego believes. "But no, the ‘grave mistake,’ in Zelensky’s narrow-minded understanding, only involves the Russians! This is the entire neo-Nazi essence of the current Ukrainian state policy."

By claiming that "Donbass will never become Russian," Zelensky once again confirmed that nobody intended to take Donbass residents’ opinion into account, the official claimed.

"There is nothing new about his remark to those who do not want to accept that - ‘you must look for a new place in Russia’: these exact words from Ukrainian nationalists and the ban on everything Russian sparked the Donbass conflict in the first place," the Foreign Minister said.

Deinego noted that the conflict in Donbass started after nationalists and adherents of Euro-integration seized power in Ukraine and embarked on a course for forced suppression of protests against their rule in Donbass.

"Apparently, nobody explained that to Zelensky, and he is unable to add two and two on his own and track the ties of cause and effect in the chain of events of recent history," Deinego believes.