PAK: India has intensified its atrocities, persecution campaign in IOJ&K in wake of coronavirus pandemic: AJK President

Sardar Masood Khan

ISLAMABAD, Apr 24 (APP): Azad Jammu and Kashmir President, Sardar Masood Khan Friday said that India has intensified its atrocities and persecution campaign against the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir(IOJ&K) in the wake of coronavirus pandemic.

In an exclusive interview with Radio Pakistan, he said whilst the world is preoccupied with COVID-19, it is imperative that the human rights situation in the occupied territory as well as the key question of the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people must remain on the global agenda and must continue to receive world attention.

He said the UN Security Council should immediately convene an emergency meeting to take notice of the genocide being committed in India occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The AJK President said virtual diplomacy has been started to keep the world’s attention focused on the lingering dispute. In this regard, contacts have been established through video link with the Kashmiri people and parliamentarians in Britain.

He appreciated Radio Pakistan, especially its digital portal for consistently highlighting the Kashmir dispute. On behalf of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, he expressed his gratitude to the top administration of Radio Pakistan for raising the voice of oppressed Kashmiri people through its tweets and posts.

Drawing attention towards the situation prevailing in IOJ&K, the AJK President recalled that a ruthless lockdown is in place in the occupied territory since 5th August last year.

During this period, he said, the people have been subjected to brute force and violence. In addition to the arrest of the political leadership, thousands of children have also been arrested.

He said despite the breakout of coronavirus, the process of atrocities is still continuing in the valley.

He said the number of youth killed is far higher which has been reported. A new history of oppression is being written in IOJ&K amidst the coronavirus challenge.

He said the detained political leadership and the youth have been kept in cramped concentration centers and there is greater threat of spread of the contagion.

The AJK President regretted that the fascist regime in India has not paid any head to the appeals made by the human rights organizations and the spokesperson of the UN Secretary General about the plight of these detainees.

Sardar Masood Khan pointed out that India is resorting to increased violations on the line of control to divert the attention of the world from its war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in the occupied territory .

He said India is using heavy weapons including cluster bombs during the unprovoked firing across the border.

The AJK President strongly rejected the Indian allegations that Pakistan and Azad Kashmir is sending coronavirus patients across the line of control.

Describing it a white lie, he appealed to the people to reject and abhor this propaganda campaign. He said the international community is not listening to the Indian allegations as it understands that how a coronavirus patient can enter the valley after passing through a difficult terrain.

Referring to the immense sacrifices of Kashmiri people spanning over seven decades, the AJK President said the brave and valiant people of Kashmir have not surrendered regardless of rendering five hundred thousand lives in the struggle for right to self-determination. He said this is an open message to India that the Kashmiri people will never accept defeat that they will continue their fight till the realization of their ultimate goal. He was confident that the Kashmiri people will emerge victorious in this legitimate struggle and the evil forces will bite the dust.

The AJK President also dilated upon the steps taken in coordination with the federal government to contain the spread of Coronavirus in Azad Kashmir. He said the federal government and the National Disaster Management Authority have provided us with ventilators, personal protection equipment and masks including N-95. He said under Ehsaas Program, assistance of three billion rupees had been provided to two hundred and forty one thousand people.

He said that thirty seven thousand families have been provided with Zakat before the advent of Ramadan. In addition, the philanthropists are also contributing to the relief efforts and there is no shortage of ration in Azad Kashmir.

The AJK President expressed satisfaction over the low trajectory of the pandemic in Azad Kashmir. He said fifty five coronavirus patients have been detected in the region.

Thirty five are under treatment whilst the remaining have recovered. So far, there is no coronavirus related death in Azad Kashmir.

He however stressed that the challenge remains and efforts are afoot to cope with it. He also lauded the role of Ullema in coronavirus prevention campaign. Sardar Masood Khan said about sixty Quarantine centers and in each district isolation wards and hospitals have been established.

He said an information technology center has also been established to collect the data of Zaireen and those who came from abroad. So far we have collected the data of twenty six thousand people and these have been advised to go into self quarantine.