Donetsk People's Republic to search for some 100 persons held in Ukraine

prisoner swap

GORLOVKA, April 16. /TASS/: After Thursday’s exchange of persons taken prisoner during the conflict in the east of Ukraine the Donetsk People’s Republic will continue to search for some 100 detainees remaining in Ukraine, the Donetsk People's Republic's ombudswoman, Darya Morozova, has told the media.

"At the moment the Donetsk People's Republic is looking for some 100 persons in Ukraine. This is a competence of the humanitarian subgroup. At the next meeting we will be able to present accurate lists," she said.

Earlier on Thursday, there was this year’s first exchange of held persons between Donetsk and Kiev. It took place at the Gorlovka-Mayorskoye checkpoint. The self-proclaimed republic released nine persons and received ten. A similar exchange may take place between Lugansk and Kiev near the village of Shchastye.