UKRAINE: Chernobyl wildfire rages on, despite almost 400 tonnes of water dropped already


KIEV, April 13. /TASS/: Despite use of aviation, which has dropped almost 400 tonnes of water on wildfire hotbeds in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, the Ukrainian firemen cannot cope with the fire for 10 days already, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported Monday.

"By April 13, the Emergency Service Ministry, together with the forestry officers, continues to fight wildfires on Korogodsky, Kotovsky and Denisovetsky forestries," the service said, adding that 366 people and 88 vehicles, "including three An-32P planes and three helicopters that dropped 370 tonnes of water on April 12," are involved in the operation.

The service says that the radiation situation in Kiev and the Kiev Region is "stable," adding that "power of exposition dose on ground’s surface and radionuclide content in the water does not exceed allowed limits."

The wildfire in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone started on April 4. The police have identified the suspected culprit - a 27-year old resident of the Kiev Region. On Friday, the Kiev Region police service reported criminal proceedings initiated against the man.