Returning Ukrainian tourists protest against quarantine in poorly equipped hotel

An airport bus in Kiev airport, Ukraine

KIEV, March 30. /TASS/: Ukrainian tourists who were brought home from Bali have staged a protest at Kiev’s international airport, refusing to leave planes and demanding permission to undergo mandatory quarantine at home instead of a designated hotel. According to the Obozrevatel news outlet, some tourists agreed to be placed under quarantine in Kazatsky hotel in downtown Kiev but about 100 people refused, citing poor accommodation conditions.

According to those who agreed to stay at the hotel, there is no central heating and rusty water runs from taps.

The authorities continue negotiations with protesters, seeking to persuade them to sign documents about their mandatory quarantine.

Ukrainian lockdown

Ukraine closed its state borders on March 28 and thousands of the country’s citizens are unable to return home amid coronavirus restrictions. In this regard, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that additional flights could be arranged depending on the coronavirus situation in the country and the Health Ministry’s ability to quarantine all those arriving in the country.

The Ukrainian government has imposed a nationwide lockdown until April 24 and declared a state of emergency. The number of coronavirus cases in the country has reached 480, 11 patients have died.