Macron calls for unified Europe in Bundestag address

Emmanuel Macron

18 Nov 2018; DW: In a speech to Germany's parliament French President Emmanuel Macron has called for a new Franco-German alliance to equip Europe for future challenges. His visit came on Germany's annual war remembrance day.

French President Emmanuel Macron told German lawmakers on Sunday that it was up to France and Germany to build a modern, efficient, democratic Europe fit for the future.

In a speech to the Bundestag to mark Germany's Day of Mourning for those killed in war, Macron acknowledged that Europe faces multiple challenges from climate change to migration and that only a unified, more sovereign Europe could avoid a global "chaos."

"Our real strength is our unity," the French leader said, adding that Germany and France had overcome 200 years of "merciless wars" to make a "lasting peace" and "cement a bedrock of cooperation in all fields."

Macron said just as the two neighbors along with their partners had "re-stitched Europe," it was vital that the two countries work together again "to equip Europe for this new phase."

Paying tribute to Germany's post-World War II record, Macron said "no other country has scrutinized its history with so much sincerity and tried to learn its lessons. You decided to never stop trying to overcome ancient quarrels and to work tirelessly for peace."

Macron's speech was one of a series of events in Berlin on Sunday to mark the annual Day of Mourning. Earlier, alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the French leader took part in a wreath-laying ceremony at the city's Neue Wache memorial to remember those killed in war. He also addressed a youth peace conference featuring young delegates from 48 countries in Europe.

Germany's commemorations come a week after the centenary anniversary of the World War I armistice, which saw poignant ceremonies in Paris and London.

Later, Macron was due to hold talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel covering a new round of European Union reforms.

Germany and France agreed on Friday on a proposal for a common budget for eurozone member states within the EU's overall budget, according to a document seen by the German dpa news agency.

The reforms have been hailed as a way to make the euro area more resistant to financial and economic crises.

Read more: EU rejects Italy budget for breaching debt rules Merkel and Macron were also expected to further discuss plans for a future European army, an idea that last week led to a war of words between Macron and US President Donald Trump.

Germany has backed the proposal, although Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Friday accused the two countries of jumping the gun, asserting that the continent's safety could be guaranteed only through NATO.