U.S. Embassy Vehicle Hit Car In Pakistan: Woman Killed, Five Injured

ISLAMABAD, Jan 27 (NNN-APP) – A woman was killed and five others injured, after a vehicle of the U.S. embassy in Pakistan, hit a car in the capital, Islamabad, an official of the Islamabad Traffic Police said, Sunday.

Farrukh Rashid, senior superintendent of the Islamabad Traffic Police, said, the accident happened on the Margalla road, when the over-speeding vehicle of the U.S. embassy hit the car from behind, killing a woman on the spot, while wounding five others.

The official said, the accident happened due to negligence and over speeding by the driver of the embassy car, adding that the victims, from the same family, have been shifted to Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences hospital in Islamabad.

Police, rescue teams immediately reached the spot following the accident. Police started an investigation into the incident, registering a case against the driver.

Accidents involving U.S. embassy vehicles have been frequent in recent years, in which U.S. diplomats have hit and killed people in Islamabad.

In 2018, a senior U.S. diplomat stationed in Islamabad, hit a motorcycle at a traffic signal, killing a motorcyclist and injuring his pillion passenger in a hit-and-run case.

The diplomat was briefly detained after the accident. However, no due legal procedure could be followed against him due to diplomatic immunity. His name was also put on the Exit Control List, but he was allowed to leave the country, after U.S. officials assured that he will be tried under U.S. laws, according to local reports.