Ukraine will stick to ‘red lines’ at Paris summit, parliament speaker says

Verkhovna Rada Speaker Dmitry Razumkov

KIEV, December 8. /TASS/: Ukraine will adhere to the "red lines" in its position that it will outline in Paris at the Normandy Four meeting with the leaders of Russia, Germany and France, Verkhovna Rada Speaker Dmitry Razumkov said on Sunday.

"On that day [Paris meeting - TASS] there should be no politics and struggle, there should be only a state position for the sake of Ukraine. "Red lines" will be observed and our territories will be returned," Razumkov wrote on his Facebook page, giving no further details.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky earlier said he opposed the priority of implementing the Minsk agreements. He insisted that the polls in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics should be held only after handing over to Ukraine control over the state border.

Ukrainian opposition politicians Pyotr Poroshenko, Yulia Timoshenko and Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and their parties called on Ukrainians to stage a rally in Kiev on Sunday and declare "red lines" which Zelensky must not cross at the talks in Paris on December 9.