World institutions must break silence over Kashmir issue: governor

Muhammad Sarwar

LAHORE, Dec 1 (APP): Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar said on Sunday that international institutions including the United Nations Organisation (UNO) would have to break the silence over Kashmir issue.
In a media statement issued here, he said that Indian army had committed the biggest terrorism by rendering 22,000 women widows and violating the sanctity of another 11,000 females in Occupied Kashmir. India must realise that it could not suppress the Kashmiris’ freedom movement through power of gun and bullet.

The governor strongly condemned the Indian aggression in occupied valley and mentioned that over the last 30 years, 95,000 people including 1,000 women had been martyred due to atrocities unleashed by Indian army in occupied Kashmir, while thousands of innocent Kashmiris were still languishing in jails. However, India could not suppress their resolve of freedom movement that was getting stronger with each passing day, he added.

“We cannot forget our Kashmiri brethren for even a moment. Kashmir is jugular vein of Pakistan and no world power can separate them from us,” he added.

Ch Sarwar said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan, 220 million Pakistanis were moving shoulder to shoulder with people of occupied Kashmir. “We are ready to give every sort of sacrifice for freedom of occupied Kashmir,” he vowed.

The governor said that now time had come that the international institutions including the UNO must take notice of 119 days of curfew and Indian tyrannies in the occupied valley instead of keeping mum over the situation there. The Kashmir issue must be settled in accordance with the UNO resolutions, he demanded.

He said that it was also a responsibility of human rights organisations to raise voice against the worst human rights violations by India in Occupied Kashmir.