Controversial statements on Kashmir issue must be avoided: Fakhar


MULTAN, Nov 24 (APP): Chairman Kashmir Committee Syed Fakhar Imam Sunday urged the opposition parties to avoid any controversial statement over the Kashmir issue as the incumbent government was striving to resolve the issue at the earliest.

Addressing a Kashmir seminar at an E-library here, he said the incumbent government was presenting the Kashmir issue very effectively at international level.

He said due to efforts of the government, the Kashmir issue has been taken up at United Nation Security Council after 54 years. He said that the nation is united on the issue and any controversial statement on Kashmir could weaken the case at international level.

The chairman said that criticism over the policies of the government was a democratic right of opposition, but the Kashmir issue was a voice of the nation which should not be damaged.

He said that US President Donald Trump had offered his mediation role on the Kashmir issue. He said that Pakistan was playing an important role in restoration of peace in Afghanistan.

He said that China had increased its export from $10 billion to $4500 billion in the last 40 years while Pakistan had reached just $23 billion from its less than one-billion-dollar exports. He said that countries make policies by keeping in view welfare of public but, unfortunately, it had not been done so by the previous governments.

He said that different countries showed concerns over human rights violations in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K).

He said that he had demanded Chinese delegation to establish world class science & technology and agriculture universities in Pakistan in order to make our next generation able to compete in the international market.

Member Provincial Kashmir Committee Muhammad Nadeem Qureshi, Barrister Syed Abid Imam and others also spoke on the occasion.