Fakhar Imam urge UN to ask Modi govt for immediate lift curfew in Kashmir valley

Fakhar Imam

ISLAMABAD, Nov 7 (APP): Chairman, Kashmir Committee Syed Fakhar Imam Thursday urged that the United Nations (UN) must ask Modi government to immediately lift the inhuman continued curfew in occupied Kashmir and release all the Hurriyet leaders.

The innocent Kashmiri people were facing the shortage of food and medicines and unable to reach hospitals due to curfew, he said while talking to private news channel.

The world has rejected the Indian narrative on Kashmir after illegal Indian move in occupied Kashmir and acknowledging the stance of Pakistan in this regard, he mentioned.

The chairman urged the human rights council to take serious steps to bring to justice the perpetrators of human rights violations of the innocent Kashmiris.

He said people of occupied Kashmir have been waiting for their right to
self-determination for seven decades.

India’s efforts to hide its atrocities by false statements of freedom movement in occupied Kashmir terrorism and cross border terrorism are shameless and indefensible, he added.

He further said Prime Minister Imran Khan delivered an inspiring speech on actual situation in Kashmir at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) forum that was hailed by many leaders in the world.

India is not allowing foreign delegations, fact finding missions and even its own politicians to visit Kashmir valley, he said.

Pakistan welcomes any foreign delegation to visit its side of LOC, he said adding, the international media is also exposing cruel Indian face through fact-based reporting and US congress has also condemned Indian atrocities and human rights violations in strong words.

Indian forces are using pellet guns and cluster bombs on unarmed Kashmiris which is violation of international norms, Fakhar said.

The day will come when Kashmiris will get for which they have been struggling for the last many decades, he hoped.