Ukraine’s Zelensky says his conversation with Trump was ‘private, confidential’


KIEV, September 25. /TASS/: Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on Tuesday said his telephone conversation with US President Donald Trump the latter agreed to make public was "private and confidential".

When approached by CNN at the United Nations in New York, Zelensky simply responded that his conversations with President Donald Trump were "private and confidential."

When asked if he wanted the transcript of the call to be released, Zelensky said, "We'll see."

Trump said on Tuesday he had given his permission to publish an unedited, full transcript of his July telephone conversation with Vladimir Zelensky, adding that US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo had obtained consent from the Ukrainian authorities to the publication of this transcript.

It is expected that Zelensky and Trump will hold a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session on Wednesday.

Last week, there were reports of another probe against Trump, who is suspected of demanding in a telephone conversation with Zelensky a criminal investigation be opened against his chief rival in the forthcoming 2020 presidential election Joe Biden and his son Hunter, who had been doing business with a Ukrainian company. Trump allegedly warned Zelensky that otherwise the US might terminate military assistance to Ukraine. On Tuesday, impeachment procedures against Trump were initiated in the US Congress House of Representatives.