Qureshi hopes EU will raise voice over Kashmiris’ plight

Shah Mehmood Qureshi

KARACHI, Sep 01 (APP): Minister for Foreign Affairs Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Sunday said the European Parliament during its discussion on Kashmir on Monday would hopefully raise its voice for the plight of Kashmiris who had been facing curfew and other restrictions for the past almost one month at the hand of Indian forces in the occupied Kashmir.

Talking to reporters here at the Karachi Airport, he said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had to face embarrassment in his attempts to prevent the Kashmir issue to be highlighted internationally.

Qureshi said the Europe should play its role over the Kashmir issue. The European Parliament was expected to deliberate on the Modi government’s illegal actions in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) and raise voice against human rights violations in the disputed territory, he added.

He called for the release of thousands of Kashmiris imprisoned by the Indian authorities after the revocation of the special constitutional status of the IOK on August 5.