PM asks Pakistanis to come out on roads to show solidarity with Kashmiris on Friday

Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD, Aug 29 (APP): Prime Minister Imran Khan has asked all Pakistanis to come out on Friday – at 12 to 12.30 Hrs – to show solidarity with the Kashmiri people.

This gesture will send the Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) a clear message that the entire Pakistani nation stands in solidarity with them.

Pakistani nation will clearly send a message against Indian fascist oppression, the inhumane 24-day curfew, the daily injuring and killing of Kashmiri civilians, including women & children – all part of ethnic cleansing agenda of the Modi Government & it’s illegal annexation of IOK, the prime minister said in his twitter message.

He said the plan to change demography of IOK was a war crime under 4th Geneva Convention.