No amount of brutality can suppress Kashmiris’ resentment against India: President

Dr Arif Alvi

ISLAMABAD, Aug 24 (APP): President Dr Arif Alvi Saturday said that no amount of oppression and brutality could suppress the resentment of Kashmiri people against India who wanted freedom at all costs.

“This is Srinagar yesterday despite curfews, bans, blackouts, teargas & firing,” the president said on twitter in his comments on a video showing thousands of Kashmir people including men, women and children taken to streets on Friday against the Indian oppression.

“Please re-tweet and let the world know,” the President urged his above two million Twitter followers and other countrymen.

He viewed that India was playing with fire and cited a New York Times report which showed that “dangerous slogans were being raised.”

“Time maybe running out for a peaceful solution. We are warning India not to sow seeds of terror and then shift blame from repercussions of its brutal and illegal action to Pakistan,” the President said in a series of tweets.

He said that the world should know that Kashmir had been violated by Indian bullets and boots. They have raped and plundered a beautiful land and their people, he added.

“Freedom is their cry from every tear shed and every drop of blood spilled,” the President remarked.