Qureshi urges UN secretary general to immediately intervene over grave situation in IoJ&K

Shah Mahmood Qureshi_

ISLAMABAD, Aug 24 (APP): Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi Saturday urged UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to immediately intervene, and play his role for safety and security of the people of in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoJ&K), who had been bracing relentless siege of the Indian occupation forces for the last 20 days.

Addressing a press conference here, the foreign minister said he held a detailed telephonic conversation with the United Nations secretary general, who was in Paris, and apprised him about the fast worsening situation in IoJ&K, the unabated lockdown, grave human rights violations, and the scarcity of food and medicines in the wake of India’s unilateral and illegal steps.

He said the Kashmiris were patiently looking towards the international community for help and they expected it to play its role, and in case it failed, the Kashmiris would be forced to avail all options to resist the highhandedness and aggression unleashed by the Indian government in the disputed valley.

Qureshi said the UN Human Rights Commissioner was also urged to intervene to protect the lives of Kashmiris.

He said the UN secretary general was reminded that there were three parties to the dispute. Pakistan and the Kashmiris had already vehemently rejected the unilateral and illegal Indian steps, whereas the third party, India stood divided as a huge strata of Indian society and opposition parties had been opposing Modi’s illegal steps.