
Chinese Fiberglass Giant Donates Cutting-Edge Research Device To Egypt

CAIRO, May 13 (NNN-MENA) – China’s fiberglass giant, Jushi Group, donated a cutting-edge research device to Egypt’s National Research Centre (NRC), in a bid to strengthen scientific and technological cooperation in the fiberglass industry.

The device, an Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer (ICP), is an important tool that can provide powerful qualitative and quantitative analysis of the mineral composition of glass fiber.

A ceremony was held to mark the donation, at the factory of Jushi Egypt, for Fiberglass Industry S.A.E. in the Suez Governorate, in northern Egypt.

UN envoy: Humanitarian deal between warring sides is a first step toward a cease-fire in Sudan: Egypt

CAIRO (AP) — The U.N. envoy for Sudan on Friday welcomed a deal between the country’s warring generals promising safe passage to civilians fleeing the conflict in the East African nation and protection for humanitarian operations.

The envoy, Volker Perthes, said the agreement was an important first step toward a cease-fire to the fighting which is about to enter its fourth week.

Egypt starts mediation effort to end Israel's Gaza strikes

10 May 2023; MEMO: Egypt began mediating an end to two days of cross-border fighting in Gaza on Wednesday that saw Israel's air force hit Islamic Jihad targets and Palestinian factions in the enclave launch salvoes of rockets across the border as far as Tel Aviv, Reuters reports.

The second round of cross-border fire in a week came after Israel launched strikes, on Tuesday, against three Islamic Jihad commanders it said had planned attacks against Israelis, following months of escalating violence.

Arab League condemns 'aggressive, barbaric' Israeli bombing of Gaza

11 May 2023; MEMO: The Arab League yesterday condemned Israel's "aggressive and barbaric" bombing of the besieged Gaza Strip "which targeted civilians, children and women in residential neighbourhoods." The umbrella organisation's statement was issued following an emergency session on the situation in Gaza, which has been under indiscriminate Israeli bombing for three days.

The league expressed its solidarity with the Palestinian people and highlighted its support for their right to self-defence.

Sudan doctors: At least 100 killed in Darfur clashes: Egypt

CAIRO (AP) — Clashes that erupted last month between armed fighters in a city in Sudan’s restive Darfur region killed at least 100 people, according to Sudan’s Doctors Syndicate.

Hospitals were still out of service in the Darfur city of Genena and an accurate count of the wounded was still hard to make, the doctors’ union added in a statement posted on its official Facebook page late Sunday.

Arab League readmits Syria as relations with Assad normalise

07 May 2023; MEMO: Arab League foreign ministers adopted a decision to readmit Syria after more than a decade of suspension on Sunday, a spokesperson for the League said, consolidating a regional push to normalise ties with President Bashar al-Assad, reports Reuters.

The decision was taken at a closed meeting of Arab foreign ministers at the Arab League's headquarters in Cairo, said Gamal Roshdy, spokesman for the Arab League's secretary general.

36 Sudanese, Two Egyptians Wounded As Bus Overturned On Way To Cairo

CAIRO, May 7 (NNN-MENA) – At least 38 passengers, including two Egyptians and 36 Sudanese, were wounded yesterday, as a bus they were travelling in, overturned on a desert road, in Egypt’s Beni Suef governorate, south of the capital, Cairo.

The bus, carrying Sudanese citizens fleeing the war-torn country, overturned on its way to Cairo, according to a statement by Beni Suef governorate.

Beni Suef Governor, Mohamad Hany Ghoneim, visited the hospital and called for all necessary healthcare to treat the wounded, said the statement.

Egypt: Pariah no more? Arab League reinstates Bashar Assad’s Syria

CAIRO (AP) — The Arab League agreed Sunday to reinstate Syria, ending a 12-year suspension and taking another step toward bringing Syrian President Bashar Assad, a long-time regional pariah, back into the fold.

Some influential league members remain opposed to reinstating Syria, chief among them Qatar, which did not send its foreign minister to Sunday’s gathering. Thirteen out of the league’s 22 member states sent their foreign ministers to the meeting in Cairo.

Egypt: Arab foreign ministers to decide on Syria's return to LAS May 7 — spokesman

CAIRO, May 6. /TASS/: Arab foreign ministers on May 7 will make a decision to restore Syria's full membership of the League of Arab States (LAS), a LAS spokesman announced on Saturday.

"Tomorrow, the Arab foreign ministers will decide on Syria's return to the LAS," El Sharq TV quoted the official as saying.

An early meeting of the LAS Council at the foreign minister level is expected to be held on Sunday at the organization's headquarters in Cairo with the restoration of Syria's membership featuring prominently on the agenda.

Sudan envoys begin talks amid pressure to end conflict

ASWAN, Egypt (AP) — Sudan’s warring sides were beginning talks Saturday that aim to firm up a shaky cease-fire after three weeks of fierce fighting that has killed hundreds and pushed the African country to the brink of collapse, the United States and Saudi Arabia said.

The negotiations, the first between the Sudanese military and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, or RSF, since the fighting broke out on April 15, were taking place in Saudi Arabia’s coastal city of Jeddah, on the Red Sea, according to a joint Saudi-American statement.

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