Netanyahu to meet Erdogan in Turkiye

Benjamin Netanyahu

21 July 2023; MEMO: Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, will travel to Turkiye on 28 July to hold talks with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, both leaders' offices said late Thursday, Al Jazeera reports.

According to the report, Netanyahu will be received a few days after Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, who is expected on 25 July, the Turkish presidency said.

"President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will welcome the Palestinian [Authority] President, Mahmoud Abbas, and the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in Turkiye in the course of the same week," the presidency said in a statement, the report added.

The leaders will discuss "Turkiye-Palestine relations and the latest developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as other topical international issues," it added.

Netanyahu's office confirmed the visit, the first by an Israeli prime minister since Ehud Olmert in 2008.