Saudi Arabia condemns Israel decision to allow resettlement of vacated West Bank settlements

Pelestine map

24 Mar 2023; MEMO: Saudi Arabia yesterday condemned a recent decision made by the Israeli Knesset that allows Jewish-only resettlement of four previously evacuated illegal settlements and outposts in the occupied West Bank.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed the Kingdom's strong condemnation of this decision," the ministry said in a statement, describing the move as a "flagrant violation of all international laws."

The statement pointed out that the Israeli decision was "contributing to undermining regional and international peace efforts, obstructing political solutions based on the Arab Peace Initiative, and guaranteeing the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital."

On Tuesday, the Israeli Knesset ratified a bill to override the 2005 disengagement plan which saw illegal Jewish settlers removed from settlements and outposts in the northern West Bank.