Saudi to reopen consulate in Syria

20 Mar 2023; MEMO: Saudi Arabia plans to reopen its consulate in the Syrian capital, Damascus, nearly 12 years after it was closed due to the outbreak of the civil war, Russia's Sputnik news agency reported.

The agency quoted sources as saying that the kingdom may reopen the consulate in Damascus after the Eid Al-Fitr holiday, which follows the holy month of Ramadan.

According to the agency, mediation efforts led by Russia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have culminated in overcoming obstacles facing the two Arab countries, pointing out that the step comes after the deal reached between Iran and Saudi Arabia to restore diplomatic relations.

The consulate reopening will be preceded by a visit by Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal Bin Farhan to Syria, during which he will meet Syrian regime President Bashar Al-Assad.

In 2012, Saudi Arabia closed its embassy in Damascus and then severed diplomatic ties with the Syrian regime. Saudi also funded opposition fighters seeking to overthrow Al-Assad.