India: Man, 22, arrested for raping Dalit woman in UP village

Ballia (UP), Oct 2 (PTI) A 22-year-old youth has been arrested for allegedly raping a Dalit woman in a village here, police said on Sunday.

The accused, Rahul Rajbhar, who was arrested on Saturday, is also accused of making a video of the act and posting it on social media.

A case under sections of the IPC and SC/ST Act was filed against Rajbhar at the complaint of the 18-year-old victim, Deputy Superintendent of Police Rajesh Tiwari said.

He said that the IT Act section was added in the FIR after the video angle surfaced.

In her complaint, the woman alleged that the accused raped her on September 20 when she had gone out for toilet.

She said that Rajbhar dragged her to a sugarcane field and raped her there and also made a video of the act.

The woman has been sent for medical examination, Singh said.