India: Phone evidence leads 3 arrests in Kanpur hostel obscene videos case

Kanpur: As many as three people have been so far arrested in the case related to the girls' obscene videos taken in a hostel here. This arrest has taken place a day after the hostel staffer was caught filming them showering.

The staffer, who allegedly made videos of several girl students, was arrested on September 29 and the police have recovered evidence from the seized phone of the accused.

We have evidence of videos on the phone as per primary investigation, said Anand Prakash Tiwari, joint commissioner here.

Following the staffer's arrest, another staffer claimed that the hostel belonged to a cop. However, the cop whose name appeared on the nameplate rejected having ownership of the hostel.

Soon after, the police said action would be taken against the hostel owner for misusing the cop's name.

Hostel staffer arrested for filming girls showering in the hostel bathroom.

"We will take action against the property owner for misusing the officer's name," JC Anand Prakash Tiwari stressed.

The joint commissioner also added that a case has been registered against the hostel warden for not reporting the incident when it was first brought to her notice.

Girl students of a hostel in Kanpur alleged that a staffer at their building recorded their videos on Thursday.

When they checked his phone, they found obscene videos, particularly of girl students taking baths.

A police complaint was registered and the staffer was taken into custody.