India: Pollution main factor in rise of COPD

KANPUR: Pollution has been a vital factor in rising of heart diseases, lungs cancer, lungs infection, asthma, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases. This city, being one of the most polluted cities in the country, remains badly in grip of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is a common lung disease. It becomes hard to breathe if one has COPD.

Every month as many as 500 patients are reported to be examined at the ML Chest hospital of the Medical College here. Not only adults have been suffering from such disease but children are also not entirely safe. COPD cases have trebled in the last eight years, as reports maintain.

However, Dr. Brajesh Kumar, associate professor, medicine department, LLR hospital, said the effect of pollution has even seeped into the blood circulation even.

He added the patients of lungs disease are increasing year after year. This has been confirmed from various case studies in the past.

Green Peace, State of Global Air and IIT-Kanpur have laid up its respective reports expressing deep concern over spread in the pollution.  Collecting area-wise data from various samples the IIT-K has put the city’s pollution condition. Though there were several things polluting our surroundings, the road dirt has been supposed to be the highest polluter. Vehicles’ smoke, industrial pollution, garbage burning, hotel & restaurant, construction work, burning of dead bodies are other aspects polluting the environment.