India: IIT-Kanpur brilliant student commits suicide

IIT Kanpur

Kanpur: A PhD student in IIT-Kanpur ends his precious life by suicide on campus, police said here on Wednesday.

The incident had reportedly taken place on Tuesday night. That was known only after a student informed the security personnel that Prashant Singh's room was closed from the inside.

Most importantly, he was not responding to knocks, he also made it clear.

The institute's administrators forcibly opened the door and found Prasant Singh hanging from the ceiling with the help of a bedsheet.

He was rushed to the health centre of the Institute, where the on-call physician pronounced him dead.

The police and the forensic team were called in and the student's family was also informed about the tragic incident.

The student's body has been kept in the Hallet hospital's mortuary.

In a release, the staff and students of IIT-K have condoled the tragic demise of the student who had excellent academic qualifications.