Iraq: Australia embassy cars in Baghdad targeted, no injuries


27 August 2022; MEMO: An Iraqi security source announced on Friday that vehicles belonging to the Australian embassy had been targeted by an explosive device in Baghdad, with no injuries occurring.

Alsumaria TV news channel quoted an unnamed source stating: "A locally-made explosive device placed on the road leading to the Green Zone went off as a vehicle belonging to the Australian embassy in Baghdad drove by."

The source added: "The blast resulted in damage to the security fences on the road, and to one of the vehicle tyres, without causing any casualties. Despite the blast, the Australian convoy managed to enter the Green Zone."

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry condemned the incident, for which no party claimed responsibility.

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Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ahmad Al-Sahhaf announced: "The Foreign Ministry condemns the incident that hit a diplomatic tyre belonging to the Australian embassy in Baghdad, and no casualties were caused."

Al-Sahhaf added that the ministry: "Expresses its solidarity with the Australians and stresses its complete commitment to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and to protecting diplomatic staff and buildings, as well as facilitating their work in a manner that supports joint work."