India: Appearance of Crocodile on Ganga Barrage creates panic

albino crocodile

Kanpur: There was panic when a crocodile came out of the water on the Ganga barrage here on Thursday morning.

On the information of the local people, the forest department team reached the spot and tied it with the help of a stick and rope and brought it to the Allen Forest zoo.

Regional Forest Officer Dilip Kumar Gupta said that at around 8:30 in the morning, local people had informed about the 40-Kg crocodile on the premises of Jal Sansthan.

Upon this, the staff was immediately sent to the spot and the crocodile was sooner caught.

He told that the crocodile is about five and a half feet long and its weight is about 40 kg. Probably due to the rise of the water level in the river, it had come behind Karbala and from there it reached the premises of the Jal Sansthan.

The regional forest officer also said that last year also a crocodile had entered the field through a drain near Jageshwar temple. It was also kept in the zoo.