India: Not all students like to go to school on foot

Kanpur: What do students seek today? They appear to require amenities first, and thereafter concentrate on studies. Besides the books and the tasty fast food, the other thing holds on the students’ minds is the trendy fashion.

It cannot be denied at all in first sight. This, they are found to be betraying the main priority in the prime of their wonderful lives. They also seem to falter in differentiating between the distinct aspects.

It is due to this kind of vision they prefer to reach the school by fast speeding vehicles. However, the amazement comes off when they are now preferring electric bicycles.

If the fast speeding bike does not remain handy, they think of going to school by the easily available e-rickshaw in the morning. 

It does not matter to them whether the school exists near the home. They would at first not opt for other modes than fast-moving bikes.

Despite the big black car standing in the parking slot, one small-stature student was beheld in the morning stepping up towards his over fifty years old posh school.

His face was reddish with the hot rays of the shining sun overhead and wet with perspiration. He was least careful of all those harsh facts.

In his strength to move ahead with the puffed-up bag on his delicately feeble back, he aimed at reaching the school gate within the exact time. 

Undeniably, the impression of anxiety was writ large on his bespectacled small face. Those who were looking at him started thinking of his conveyance troubles.

Did they not think how had he been compelled to bring in use his feet?

He was supposedly trying to catch an e-rickshaw for the school. Those who have usually seen him going by car or scooty or bike were quite amazed at his compulsion.

His walk was falling by his height which prompted the beholders to recall the oft-repeated saying about a crow picking up pearls and a swan eating small pieces of grains at such a technologically advanced time.