India: Driver saves himself by jumping out of burning school van in Kakadev

Kanpur: A major accident was avoided in the Kakadev police station area today. A fire broke out in a school van. The driver somehow saved his life by jumping.

The panicky driver was helped by passers-by. He somehow doused the fire. The school van was being driven with a gas kit.

On Thursday morning, the driver Naveen was driving the van to pick up school children in Nagar.

Suddenly the van caught fire. Seeing the leaping flames, the driver stopped the van on the road and jumped out of the van.

There were no children in the van at that time. Passers-by also helped put out dousing the fire.

The gas kit in the van was not installed according to the standards.

Due to the negligence of RTO in the city, the lives of school children are being played with.

Van drivers operate by installing gas kits which remains a risk of an accident. Several vans are plying in the city. Despite this, the RTO does not take any action against these van operators.