Trump's Golan proclamation gathers international condemnation

Golan map

27 Mar 2019; DW: The international community has voiced collective outrage over US President Donald Trump's decision to sign a proclamation affirming US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the disputed Golan Heights on Monday.

The Tuesday reactions came from all corners of the world, uniting US adversaries and allies alike.

In New York, European members of the United Nations Security Council — Belgium, Britain, France, Germany and Poland — rebuked Trump's decision, saying that they did not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan, which it has occupied since the 1967 Six-Day War, and annexed in 1981.

The group said, "We raise our strong concerns about the broader consequences of recognizing illegal annexation and also about broader regional consequences."

The group's statement also said, "Annexation of territory by force is prohibited under international law," adding that unilateral changes to borders violate "the rules-based international order and the UN Charter."

Russia, China, Indonesia and South Africa also criticized the US decision during the Security Council meeting.

The UN Security Council has previously passed three resolutions calling for Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights.

The Council is scheduled to further discuss the decision when it convenes to address the future of the UNDOF, the UN peacekeeping force in Golan on Wednesday. 

'The world is witnessing a black day'

The Arab world and Iran also blasted the decision, labeling it a breach of international law and a detriment to peace in the region.

At a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Co-operation, all 57 members joined to state that the Golan "is Arab and occupied land." Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohamed Alhakim, echoing the Security Council, said, "Golan is occupied Syrian land and its sovereignty must fully return to Syria."

Even US allies aligned against Iran and Assad criticized the move, with Saudi Arabia saying, "It will have significant negative effects on the peace process in the Middle East and the security and stability of the region."

Lebanese President Michel Aoun, who was in Russia Tuesday, tweeted, "The world is witnessing a black day."

'Blatant aggression'

The Syrian Foreign Ministry, for its part, called the US decision a "blatant aggression," illustrating Trump's "contempt for international legitimacy," and proving him "the main enemy" of Arab people. Large protests were also held across Syria on Tuesday. 

Syrian ally and US nemesis Iran joined the chorus of critics. President Hassan Rouhani told state broadcaster IRNA, "No one could imagine that a person in America would come along and give the land of a nation to another occupying country, in violation of international laws and conventions."

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, an Assad ally, also slammed the decision, saying it was evidence of Washington's "disdain and disregard" for Muslims, Arabs and the rule of law. Nasrallah said that Arab "silence" on Trump's controversial 2017 decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel had led to Monday's declaration.

Nasrallah warned that Golan might not be the last such territory unilaterally recognized as Israel's. He said that the West Bank, which Israel also took during the Six-Day War, could be next.