India: Fire erupts owing to heated solar panel at KMC

A fire broke out on the first floor of Kanpur Municipal Corporation located at Motijheel here on Monday morning.

According to the news, when the solar system's panel was heated, a spark began to sprout that caught the wires into the fire. Sooner, the entire panel was burnt to ashes.

When the fire escalated, a fire broke out in the Caretaker department store located on the ground floor below the solar panels.

The KMC employees informed the Fire Brigade about the incident of fire. The fire brigade reached within 15 minutes and doused the fire in time.

Noticing the heavy smoke rising on the campus, the sanitation workers informed the officers.

Department officers also reached the spot and tried to stop the fire from spreading.

In the meantime, Municipal caretaker Sunil Nigam told if there was a fire in the Accounts Section located next to the solar panel, there would have been damaged to the important files.

Many records would also have been burnt to ashes, he added. Adequate steps were taken to prevent the fire from spreading.

Earlier, there occurred an incident of fire in the Public Relations Officer of the Municipal Corporation and the Office of the Municipal Commissioner, it was also learnt.