Damascus slams Trump’s decision on Golan Heights as attack on Syria’s sovereignty

MOSCOW, March 25. /TASS/. Damascus believes that US President Donald Trump’s move to sign a proclamation recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights is a blatant attack on Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported, citing a source in the country’s Foreign Ministry.

"The US President has recognized the Zionist occupation of Syria’s Golan Heights, attacking Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity," the source said.

According to SANA, the source added that "Trump has no right to legitimize the occupation." "America’s aggressive policy is making the region and the entire world vulnerable to all dangers," the Syrian Foreign Ministry source pointed out.

Trump signed the proclamation earlier on Monday during talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Golan Heights, which belonged to Syria since 1944, were seized by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War. In 1981, the Israeli parliament passed a law unilaterally declaring sovereignty over the Golan Heights. The UN Security Council declared the annexation null and void in its Resolution 497 on December 17, 1981.

Apart from Syria and other Muslim countries, Russia and some key European Union members, including Germany and France, have also opposed Trump’s decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.