India: Bulldozer cleans encroachments on Kanpur's Ramadevi crossing

Kanpur: On Thursday afternoon, the joint squad of traffic police and anti-encroachment squad reached the Ramadevi intersection to remove the encroachment.

First of all, the illegal tempo stands operating on the Naubasta route from the intersection were removed.

After this, those who had occupied the pavement were chased away with sticks. It was reported that many shopkeepers had made permanent pucca platforms on the sidewalks.They were smashed with a bulldozer.

After making the sidewalk of the intersection free from encroachment, the team got the vegetable market going towards HAL Colony removed from there.

It was warned that now if the vegetable market is set up here, there will be issued Challans. 

The joint squad removed the handcarts in front of Chakeri police station.

The stones kept near the drain were removed by crane.

Buses and tempo stands operating on the Tatmill route from the intersection were also removed.

The Municipal Corporation team uprooted the hoardings on the side of the footpath and confiscated it.

There, many shopkeepers were caught selling by placing moorang, ballast on the sidewalk. User charges were collected from all of  them.

The joint squad got the illegal auto and bus stand removed during the campaign.

However, as soon as the team left, illegal stands on all sides started operating again. In fact, illegal stand is allegedly reported to be a part of police dividend, that is why the police station shy away from the action.