India: Kanpur lacks adequate female Toilets despite a woman mayor

The Municipal Corporation may have taken the title of Open Defecation Free, but there is a lack of women facilitation (toilets) in a city with a woman mayor.

In the preparations for the cleanliness campaign and ODF, the Municipal Corporation built toilets in many places but did not pay attention to the problem of women's toilets.

There are toilets in the small streets of the markets but only for men. In the name of the women's facility, their number is only three.

According to an estimate, more than one million women move out of the house every day for shopping and jobs.

They often have to be ashamed when toilet facilities are not visible far and wide. This situation is when the city has got the status of metro and smart city.

Women's convenience houses were quite short in the glare of the sprawling markets in all directions.