Jordan: popular 'Russia solidarity' committee launched

 Jordanians evacuated from Ukraine

04 April 2022; MEMO: A group of individuals and organisations in Jordan announced the launch of the Jordanian People's Committee for Solidarity with Russia yesterday, RIA Novosti has reported.

The committee was created "after several meetings and discussions to counter "imperialist ambitions, strengthen the independence of Jordan and develop Jordanian-Russian" links and relations.

"The people participated in the meetings to discuss the consequences of US imperialist policy, which is targeting Russia and dissolving the Eurasian basin through its military and economic proxies, alliances and militias represented by NATO, the EU and the neo-Nazis brigades [in Ukraine], which were backed by the US to take power in Kyiv," explained the Committee.

According to the new movement, the world is at a crossroads dictated by the war in Ukraine. This, it said, will differentiate between those who side with imperialism and those who side with liberty.

It claimed that millions of dollars have been deposited in bank accounts to fuel "the battle of lies" that hides the reality from the people and deviates them from the truth. There are, it is claimed, plans to "demonise" heads of state who reject surrendering to Washington's international perceptions and reject the praising of "war criminals, killers and neo-Nazis" as heroes.

The solidarity movement reiterated that it is hoping to reinforce the friendship between Jordanians and Russians, and develop cultural, political, social and economic relations in the hope that this will lead to Jordan's "liberation from Western domination".