Iran fights like lions, Israel surrenders like rabbits: Netanyahu

 Benjamin Netanyahu

08 March 2022; MEMO: Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday harshly criticised the government over its stance towards Iran's nuclear file, local news reported.

"Today, in the Bennett-Lapid-Gantz government, there is only weakness, weakness, and more weakness," Netanyahu told a Likud party meeting, referencing Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, his coalition partner and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and Minister of Defence Benny Gantz.

"They bowed their heads before the US administration when they agreed to a 'zero surprises' policy," he added. "That is, Israel will not act against Iran's nuclear programme without prior coordination with the Americans, who of course would oppose such actions."

He continued: "They could also jeopardise these plans through early leaks. In doing so, they silenced Israel's cry against an agreement that would pave the way for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons that aim to destroy us."

Netanyahu condemned the Israeli government as weak and afraid of taking courageous action against Iran or voice out opposition to the US.

"Bennett, Lapid and Gantz are not ready for a confrontation – not even with our friends – as [sixth Israeli PM Menachem] Begin did, and as we did in a speech to the US Congress in 2015, and in countless other public forums in Israel and around the world," he said.

He added: "Bennett, Lapid, and Gantz are doing nothing in the face of this dangerous agreement that is being formed right now in Vienna. It is with this, first of all, that the government must deal with now – to strongly oppose this dangerous agreement.

"Israel's silence these days, apart from a few meaningless statements done out of obligation, takes the wind out of the sails of those of our friends in the US who oppose the agreement. If they do not see or hear Israel oppose it, why should they persist in their opposition? Why would they cancel the agreement later?

"Our stubborn opposition helped the US get out of the previous agreement even after it signed it. The current government's silence also undermines the legitimacy of our future action against Iran's nuclear facilities."

Describing Iranians he said: "They fight like lions, for every word, for every comma…Bennett, Lapid and Gantz are surrendering like rabbits. The reality is bleak and clear: the current government is reconciling to a nuclear Iran and thus endangering the future of Israel."