Israeli Minister quits gov't, deals a blow to coalition

 Eli Avidar

23 Feb 2022; MEMO: Israeli Minister Eli Avidar yesterday resigned from his ministerial position in the coalition government, saying Prime Minister Naftali Bennett does not plan to abide by the rotation deal signed to form the government, local media reported.

Avidar, from the Yisrael Beiteinu party, had no portfolio and said he had been promised the position of intelligence minister, but this did not happen.

During a press conference he said he will return to the Knesset. He, according to Haaretz, would not be committed to his party's plans. His resignation deals a blow to the coalition government which now only holds 61 seats in the 120-seat Knesset, meaning he could vote against it's plans and sway the government's movements.

"Bennett does not intend to honour the rotation," Avidar charged, referring to the agreement that will see Foreign Minister Yair Lapid take over as head of the government in September 2023, the Times of Israel reported.

Avidar said the coalition was too concerned with "selfies and TikTok videos.

His resignation comes a day after Defence Minister Benny Gantz warned that his Blue and White Party would not vote for any legislation before pensions for career officers were increased.

Opposition party Likud said the resignation was a prelude for the collapse of Bennett's government.