Poland aims to become top exporter to Qatar, says president

 Andrzej Duda

07 Dec 2021; MEMO: Poland aims to become an important supplier of high-quality goods and services to Qatar, President Andrzej Duda said on Monday. This is in addition to being an importer of Qatari gas, the Polish Press Agency has reported.

According to Duda, his country also wants to collaborate with Qatar in the agricultural food sector. He made his comments during the 2nd Poland-Qatar Economic Round Table session in Doha. Poland, he said, could offer high-quality foodstuffs and innovatory know-how for the Qatari food sector. Aviation and engineering are also possible fields for cooperation.

Official figures show that Poland's annual imports of liquefied gas from Qatar stand at around 2.1 million tonnes. The Polish trade minister said that by last year annual trade with Qatar was valued at $726.3 million.

Other significant cooperation between Qatar and Poland includes military training. In June 2020, for example, ten Qatari Coast Guard teams graduated from the Polish Naval Academy following extensive training in modern navigation techniques.