Polish border guards detain Russian freighter in Baltic Sea, web portal says

WARSAW, December 5. /TASS/: Polish border guards detained Russia’s freighter Ruslana in the Gulf of Gdansk in the Baltic Sea on Saturday, the specialized portalmorski.pl portal reported.

According to its information, the vessel belonging to a St. Petersburg transportation company was "traveling at a speed of 11 knots directly in the direction of a beach on Sobieszewo Island outside of the allocated waterway."

The incident occurred on Saturday around 04:00 (06:00 Moscow time). The crew was not responding to calls, the border guards and rescuers were dispatched to the ship.

According to the portal, the ship’s captain and two officers were inebriated. According to Polish media outlets, the ship has been detained and is currently in Gdansk’s port. An investigation into the matter has been launched.